I’ve often wondered who had the brilliant idea of putting in
a slate walkway to the parsonage. While it is attractive, it requires constant
maintenance. This is because the most fertile soil in all of Alamance County is
found in the cracks between the slates, and the weeds spring up overnight.
Recently I have found myself thanking God for the person who
had the brilliant idea of putting in a slate walkway to the parsonage. Clearly
that person understood stress and the need for activities that provide stress
relief. That walkway is a gift from God!
When I find myself in the midst of a stressful phone
conversation, I step outside and do some weeding while I talk. As I pull and
tug at the weeds that seem to have a tenacious hold on the walkway, I find I am
able to relax, push beyond the stressor, and get to the root of the matter. Difficult
phone conversations are always better when I’m pulling weeds.
When I find myself wrestling with a challenging passage of
scripture, I take a break and sit in the middle of the walkway digging my nails
into the beautiful black soil that holds these weeds, prying the weeds out one
at a time. And somehow God speaks as my nails get dirty and the walkway gets
clean. And the scripture once again becomes holy.
Today at high noon in the 90-degree heat I found myself
sitting on the hot slate pulling the weeds and then carefully putting the dirt
that clung to the roots back into the cracks. Only minutes before, the incredible
stress of ministry had me pulling my hair out. And then I remembered the weeds.
It is always better to pull weeds.
It was too hot to be out there for long, but those few minutes in the
blazing heat gave me some much needed perspective.
Much like weeds, stress is inevitable. Especially in fertile
soil. God has created these perfect conditions for growth – rich soil, warm
sunshine, plenty of rain. Of course the weeds are going to grow! But these
conditions are also ideal for growing the things that are of God. A food
ministry that is flourishing. A day care that will soon be filled with noisy,
wonderful children. A church overflowing with incredible and faithful people. And with
each weed pulled the stress melts away. And the beauty of this ministry is
boldly revealed. And I thank God for the person who had the brilliant idea of
putting in a slate walkway to the parsonage.
I love reading what you have to say, Sue. It expresses such faith! I like how God tells Adam that he is going to curse the ground for his (Adam's) sake in Genesis 3. Weeds ARE a gift from God--gifts to help us grow. Thank you for reminding me of that metaphor and for giving me the image of a hot summer's day on this cold winter morning.