Thursday, November 29, 2012


If eradicating hunger was easy, no one would be hungry.

Putting an end to hunger is not easy!

When we are asked to make a commitment to give of our time,
we are quick to point out that we must work to put food on our own tables.
We don’t have time to spare.

When we are asked to give financially,
we talk about how stretched we already feel.
We don’t have money to spare.

When we are asked to stretch, to sacrifice, to go the extra mile,
we say we give generously – but often we barely feel the pinch.
We are reluctant to do without.

When we are asked to pray, we say we will,
but with no names and faces to pray for we quickly lose sight of that promise.
We don’t know the hungry in our communities.

Too often we overlook the poverty in our communities,
seeing instead those who have more than we do.

Too often we are quick to point out the faults of the hungry,
wondering why they don’t get a (better) job or plant a garden
instead of watching TV all day.

Too often we see the problem of hunger and poverty
and either ignore it or decide that it is too big
for any one person to actually make a difference.

Too often we assume someone else will help since we don’t see how we can.

Putting an end to hunger is not easy!

If eradicating hunger was painless, no one would be hungry.

Jesus ate with sinners.

Jesus fed five thousand hungry people with five loaves and two fishes.

Jesus gave the woman at the well living water;
water that gushes up to eternal life.

Jesus broke bread with his disciples that last Passover,
saying “This is my body, given for you.”

Jesus taught us to follow his example;
to go and do likewise.

So why do we keep making excuses? Why do we keep pointing fingers? 

Why are we reluctant to give of our time and our money and our lives?

Because nothing about eradicating hunger is easy or painless.

But everything about putting an end to hunger is faithful to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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