Friday, January 8, 2016

The World In Which I Live

Consumerism, affluenza, greed...
Anger, grudges, fear...
Selfishness, loneliness, barrenness...
Hunger, thirst, longing...
Pain; deep, searing pain...

The truth is that this is the world in which I live.

In this world husbands cheat on their wives.
In this world children are sexually abused.
In this world mothers lose their babies.
In this world loved ones die of cancer.
In this world friends are addicted.

Suffering is all too real.

It is easy to get trapped
in the nets of this world.
It is easy to get lost
            in the darkness.

There must be more to this world...
Lord, please let there be more to this world!

If this is all there is to this world
            I surely will die.

Jesus Christ came into this world:
Jesus, the Light of the World.
Jesus, the son of Mary.
Jesus, the Redeemer.

The truth is that Jesus changed everything about this world.

The blind can see, the deaf can hear,
the lame can leap for joy.
The lost are found, the hungry are fed,
            the imprisoned are set free.

This is also the world in which I live –
            a world full of life!

And I get to choose...
            the darkness or
                        the light,
            death, or

I choose the light.
I choose life.
I choose Jesus Christ.

In this world the woman caught in the act of adultery
            is set free.
                        “Go, and sin no more.”
In this world the thief on the cross next to Jesus
            is set free.
                        “Today you will be with me in paradise.”

In this world, broken people stumble their way
            to the foot of the cross
and experience forgiveness.
In this world, hungry people find their way
            to the Lord’s Table
                        and experience mercy.
In this world, lonely people find their way
            to the community of faith
                        and experience communion.
In this world, people from all walks of life
            find their way to Jesus
and experience grace.

You ask about the world in which I live?
            I live in the world of light.
            I live with the Good News of Jesus.
            I live as part of the body of Christ.

I love this world –
this world that is overwhelmed with suffering,
this world that is drenched in love,
            this world that is overcome through compassion.

You ask about the world in which I live –
I live in this world
            in all it’s beauty and brokenness.
I live in this world
            full of saints and sinners.

And I wouldn’t trade the gift of this world – God’s world –
            for anything.

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